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Research Groups and Laboratories

Research Group Amberg

Brain development, pediatric brain tumors


Mag.arer.nat. Nicole Amberg, BSc PhD

Research Focus:

  • The brain harbors an extraordinary degree of neuronal and glial cell-type diversity. Recent studies show that the brain consist of more than 3,300 different cell types. The research group is interested in how a brain of correct size and cell composition is being generated.
  • The basis for the brain’s impressive cell-type diversity is laid during embryonic and fetal development and arises through particular cell division and differentiation patterns of neural stem cells. The complex spatiotemporal coordination of neuron and glial cell production is highly vulnerable to intrinsic and external disruptions, such as hereditary or de novo germline mutations, somatic mutations, maternal malnutrition, and maternal exposure to viruses or toxins.
  • Thus, the research group focuses on dissecting the cell-autonomous and non-cell-autonomous mechanisms of brain development in health and disease. The lab covers a broad range of diseases, such as pediatric brain tumors arising through tumor predisposition syndromes or developmental malformations like hemimegalencephaly or rhomboencephalosynapsis.


The lab employs patient-derived iPSCs, 3D cell culture models, mouse models, as well as fetal tissue from the Medical University’s neurobiobank. We perform state-of-the-art genetics and imaging techniques as well as various single-cell approaches to assess neural stem cell lineage progression on multiple levels.

Furthermore, the lab is highly enthusiastic to develop or participate in diversity, equity and inclusion activities as well as science education and outreach.

Learn more:


  • stem cells, developmental disorders, brain development, tumor predisposition syndromes, Polycomb, single-cell, cortex, cerebellum, brainstem

Selected third party funds/ongoing projects:

  • Sommer 2024 FFG Talentesommer
  • 05/2024 – 04/2027     FWF Elise Richter Fellowship V1041
  • 06/2023 – 05/2026     Fellinger Krebsforschung Förderung
  • Sommer 2023 FFG Summer Talents
  • 12/2018 – 11/2021     FWF Hertha Firnberg Fellowship T1031

Research Group Haberler

Pediatric brain tumors, CNS malformations, epilepsy-pathology Christine Haberler


Research Focus:

  • The brain is the most fascinating and ingenious gift we have received.
  • We are interested in brain diseases of fetuses, children and adolescents, and study tumours and neurodevelopmental disorders/developmental neuropathologies.
  • Pediatric brain tumours are the most common solid tumours and the most common cause of cancer death in childhood. Our research focuses on molecular diagnostic and prognostic markers of pediatric brain tumours. We are particularly interested in the tumour microenvironment and brain development and their role in tumour origin.
  • Developmental malformations of the brain comprise a wide range of different disorders. We correlate pre- and postnatal MRI images with morphological phenotypes and genetic alterations for a better understanding of these disabling diseases.


  • Asuka Araki

  • Bernadette Becsi

  • Johannes Gojo

  • Sabine Kaindl

  • Dominik Kirchhofer

  • Philippe Muller

  • Harald Stefanits

  • Anna Walter